Proven Tips to Cultivating A Solid Daily Meditation Practice
For us, Pebbl is so much more than a chair, it's an easy first step we can all take to cultivating a meditation and self-care practice that fits our lifestyle. And as much as we'd love for Pebbl to inspire EVERYONE to meditate or have some type of daily spiritual practice (ie: journaling, using a meditation app, listening to teaching, etc) we realize that may not be realistic, especially when we are first starting out.
An easy first step we can all take is to start with a daily sit with your Pebbl. Don't even worry about meditating, simply take some time to get to know Pebbl. Play around with the tush cush. Place it under you, behind your back, or in front of you. If your legs are extended, maybe grab a blanket or pillow to place under your knees. And then, once you are comfortable. you can explore incorporating one or all of the mindful moment practices below.
Close your eyes: Going within produces a sense of balance and relaxation
Feel your breath: Simply feel the rise and fall of your chest
Smile/Yawn: Releases endorphins that reduce stress and help us feel better
Set an intention: Shifts awareness from a stressful situation to a peaceful one (ie: all is well)
Simply try to practice at least one of these mindful moment practices daily, and once you establish some consistency, your body, mind and spirit may be in a more receptive place to start incorporating small snippets of meditation and other self-care practices. And of course we would love to have you join us on our weekly live meditations or check out our library of recorded meditations on our IGTV, Facebook, or Youtube, once you feel ready.
You got this!