Pebble Practice Library
Hello! We are excited that you have joined our Pebbl family. The number one requirement for starting any new practice is willingness, so thank you for arriving here in this moment and for making presence a priority in your life. This self-paced program is designed to empower you to feel more present in your life and be more efficient with the time you have. Pebbl will be your partner and guide you through the 5 sessions. You will explore and identify which type of meditation techniques, times of day, and location(s) that work best for you. Together, we will set you up for meditation success and a daily practice that sticks.
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As you can see, the library is listed by sessions. Each session will feature a specific technique to explore, intention, tip, and recommended time/location.
Be sure and download your meditation tracker here. And check out the tips to get started here. Simply click on the images below to access your intention, tip, recommended time/location, and featured technique. We recommend the following steps to get the most out of this program:
- Set the pace that works for you. Start by doing each session so you can begin to hone in on what resonates. Whether that is five consecutive sessions or doing one technique over the course of five weeks, do what feels doable remembering consistency is key. If you skip a day, don’t worry. Just begin again where you left off.
- Grow your practice. Once you have completed all five sessions/techniques, you can continue to grow your practice by adding time through these bonus meditations of the techniques that resonate for you. The goal is to build up to twenty minutes daily, but try not to jump ahead until you’ve mastered five minutes consistently. It’s okay to slowly build.
Please contact us with any questions, and be sure and register for our weekly LIVE meditations with the Pebbl family on Wednesdays at noon cst here.